As you read these pages, we believe you will agree that just as there is a best in everything, in bicycles the best is Schwinn-Built.

This booklet describes the products of Schwinn-Built thoroughness and insistence on the highest standards of excellence at every point. Yet its modern, labor-savong machinery permits you to buy these fine products for little or no more than ordinary makes would cost. This grear factory, home of today's Schwinn-Built bicycles, is devoted exclusively to the manufacture of bicycles and parts of superlative quality. From modest beginnings, more than half a century ago, father and son have carried this old firm steadily forward to its present acknowledged position as the maker of the finest bicycles and parts in the world, both standard and lightweight models. Schwinn Built Bicycles This modern factory of Arnold, Schwinn and Company Chicago, is devoted exclusively to the manufacture of Schwinn-Built Bicycles Fine bicycle building is a tradition of the Schwinn family. The text below, including the prices, are as written in 1940. 1940 Schwinn Catalog Original text and images of the 1940 Schwinn sales brochure.